Mel Maryns is no stranger to making amazing music, and her most recent track Ghost in Town, is a great example of her astonishing artistic evolution.
The song has a very spontaneous and organic flow, which highlights the artist’s ability to make music that is personal and intimate, but also hard-hitting and powerful. This is especially exemplified with them contrast between Mel’s mellow vocals, and the biting guitar palm muted parts in the verses! Conceptually, we can all relate to idea of feeling like a ghost. How many times have you felt invisible? Like you’re standing right there, but it’s like nobody else seems to care? Mel is not afraid to share her deepest feelings with the audience, and this is what makes her music so special and outstanding.
Fans of artists such as Linkin Park, Dead Rituals, Blink-182, and Paramore are most definitely going to be pleased when listening to Ghost in Town, or any other release from the talented and productive Mel Maryns. This is a song that obviously a deep personal meaning for Mel, and it’s really incredible when artists are able to turn a fast, upbeat rock song into something that’s also incredibly mellow and personal at the same time. This dualism is key to Mel’s sound, and there is something quite special about how this release comes together so beautifully.
This has been a really difficult time for most musicians all around the world. However, many people are actually enabled to make amazing music whenever they want, without the need of going to a studio or spend thousands of dollars to achieve professional results. Because of this, Mel really managed to leave a mark on the audience with some fantastic vibes. The spontaneity of her music is really eloquent in its own right! In simpler terms: this song is on fire!
Find out more about Mel Maryns, and listen to Ghost in Town, which is currently available on the web.

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